Need it

My Weight is the same as always, quite boring

Dear math, grow up and solve you own problems


My day

Today is my day, today is the day when I'm going from being a kid to being an adult... almost, in some peoples eyes I will always be a child or even smaller... a baby :)

Sometimes you just can't keep up

I'm serious. I totally suck to blog. It goes up and down. Recently I just didn't have time. I have alot of things going on. Talked with my PT today and she said that it is very important that I eat good food and not quick food. It's just that it's quite hard right now. Maybe I'm just on my way up on a mountain, cause at the moment even though I traing and eat the right thing my weight is just like before "/

Back on track

Finally Im not sick anymore!
So today it's time for some workout!

But first Hello SCHOOL


Last day of My holiday and I have fever and I feel dizzy


On Monday school starts again, sad huh? I like holidays :P

Well I have some homework to do today
Started at 2 pm I am already tired of it!
Wish me luck, then I might Survive

On the ice

Time to go ice skating

My nickname Bambi
Is a good name cause I am good at falling

This Will be good

Had a talk with My pt today
First time
We talked about what I wanted and so on
Kind of looking forward to get My own workout scheme

make my friends

not exactly true, I do not wish that.... or do I ?
No, I do not, I love my friends even if some of them never have to think about what they are eating :P

Ice and fire

Found an awsome app for iPhone today
It's called snapseed

The 4 elements
The elements that builded everything
Okay, I study science, chemestry and biology it's hard to believe in that then....

I have always been interested in water and in fire
They are beautiful you need water and you need the heat therefor you need them to live
To less or to much of it you'll die

It is like that with everything actually, if ... you think of it ....

First day with training... this year

January the second

Now it's time to start my journey.

Today my friend and I will take the normal tour.

WE both are really trying but we can't take it. We might not push enough. Today we promised that we should try to jog the whole way, Wish us alot of luck

Before she comes in to town I should deside when I will have my first PT meeting. ohh, I'm quite nervous. :P
I know that they will be helpful and all, but still, I happen to think that all this might be scary....

Food of the day

Let's talk about then you should eat.

from what I have read, you should eat 5 times a day.

Breakfast - purple
It's the meal of the day when you schould eat the most! Food with alot of protein and less in carbs is my suggestion. See the first circle.

Take a fruit, so you can keep you until lunch.

Lunch - blue
Before you eat your lunch, drink an large glass of water, half an hour before you break.
then you will not feel the same hunger.
NEVER jump over lunch, then you will eat more in the evening
Let's lunch be 1/4 of what you eat that day


take some cerials and yougurt. Something little but steady. You are not going to feel like someone have tried to starve you when it's time for dinner/supper

dinner/supper - green
do the same there. Fill a huge glass of water and drink it before you start. take a little less than normal sized portion. Fill then empty spots with salad then you eye think it's more.
eat in a normal time. When you are finnished you should feel okay I can live with this. I do not need more.

are you hungry after drink some water or take a fruit, never go for another portion.

the other picture, is how many have their food-day. but sometimes people that trying to lose weight jump over breakfast. but I choosed not to show all of you that.

Odd messages

read what I wrote around 1 a.m. today...
it was quitee odd, well maybe I just was abit tired back then :P


I'm such an night owl. at the moment it's in the middle of the night and I can't sleep.

Have you some tips when you can't sleep?
My mom always made me hot milk with honey when I was younger :P

Lying, doing nothing, playing dead
boring huh?
You know that you could spend that time more wisely
But then you know that you willsleep less
if you get up, so instead you are just waiting for the sleep to come to you
Moment 22.

my dear

Some people might think this is quite similar to their evening

Never regret what you have done, you live once, do what you want my dear.

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